Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Adam and Eve

Genesis 2 & 3

God had planted a beautiful garden for Adam in a place called Eden.  A river flowed through the garden. Adam loved his new home. His job was to name all the animals and care for them.

Adam loved all the animals, but he could not find a friend that was just right for him.

So God created a woman.

Adam named her Eve. She was just right for Adam. Adam and Eve loved each other. Together they took care of God’s garden.

Many trees grew in the Garden of Eden. God told Adam and Eve, “You may eat the fruit from any tree except for one. Never eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”

Now, there was a sneaky snake in the garden.

One day, the snake saw Eve near the special tree. 

It hissed, “Did God really tell you not to eat the fruit from this tree?”

The snake wanted Eve to disobey God. It said, “You should try some of this tasty fruit. If you eat it, you will be like God. You will be able to tell the difference between good and evil.”

The fruit looked tasty.

Eve remembered what God had said, but she ate the fruit anyway. Then Eve gave some to Adam. He took a bite, too.

As the sun was going down, Adam and Eve heard God walking through the garden. He was looking for them. Adam and Eve hid among the trees. They were afraid.

What have you done?” God asked. “Did you eat the fruit from the forbidden tree?”

Adam said, “Yes, but Eve gave it to me.”

Eve said, “Yes, but the snake tricked me.”

God told the snake, “Because of what you did, you will always crawl on your belly.”

Then he told Adam and Eve, “Because you disobeyed me, you can no longer live in the garden.”

Adam and Eve left the garden. God placed angels and a flaming sword to guard the entrance.

Adam and Eve would not be allowed in the garden again.

Discussion Questions

· What was the place God planted for Adam? Eden
· Who did God create for Adam? Eve
· What did Adam and Eve do that was wrong? They disobeyed God and ate from 
   the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
· What happened to Adam and Eve? They had to leave the garden and the were not 
  allowed to come back.


Dear God,

Thank you for creating this beautiful world for us to enjoy.  Thank you for our time together and the story of Adam and Eve. Amen.

Bible Verse 

   “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”  ~ Genesis 1:31

Craft: Making a Snake
· Paper Plates
· Paint (or markers, crayons, etc….)
· Scissors
· Wiggly Eyes and glue (optional)

Let your child decorate the plate in “Snake Colors,” such as Brown, Orange, Green and Yellow.  Show them that they can blend the colors, or even leave some of the plate blank to see the ”ribbed” edges of the plate. 
Once the plates are dry, help your child cut their plates in a spiral shape as seen here.  (If you draw in the lines with a pencil, that helps them to know where to cut.)  The place where they start the cutting will be the tail and the “circle” in the center will be the head. (Remind them not to cut any pieces all the way off or they’ll have a short snake! ) After cutting out the snake, glue on the wiggly eyes or draw them on with marker or crayon.