Thursday, December 4, 2014

God Cares for Hagar and Ishmael

Genesis 21:8-21

Isaac grew and became old enough to eat food.  At that time Abraham gave a great feast.  But Sarah saw Ishmael making fun of Isaac.  (Ishmael was the son of Abraham by Hagar, Sarah’s Egyptian slave.”) So Sarah said to Abraham, 
“Throw out this slave woman and her son.  When we die, our son Isaac will inherit everything we have.  I don’t want her son to inherit any of our things.”

This troubled Abraham very much because Ishmael was also his son.  But God said to Abraham, “Don’t be troubled about the boy and the slave woman.  Do whatever Sarah tells you.  The descendants I promised you will be from Isaac.  I will also make the descendants of Ishmael into a great nation.  I will do this because he is your son, too.”

Early the next morning, Abraham took some food and a leather bag full of water.  He gave them to Hagar and sent her away.  Hagar carried these things and her son.  She went and wandered in the desert of Beersheba.

Later, all the water was gone from the bag.  So Hagar put her son under a bush.  Then she went away a short distance and sat down.  Hagar thought, “My son will die.  I cannot watch this happen.”  She sat there and began to cry.

God heard the boy crying.  And God’s angel called to Hagar from heaven.  He said, “What is wrong, Hagar?  Don’t be afraid!  God has heard the boy crying there.  Help the boy up.  Take him by the hand.  I will make his descendants into a great nation.”

Then God showed Hagar a well of water.  So she went to the well and filled her bag with water.  Then she gave the boy a drink.

God was with the boy as he grew up.  Ishmael lived in the desert.  He learned to shoot with a bow very well.  He lived in the Desert of Paran.  His mother found a wife for him in Egypt. 

Discussion Questions

  • Abraham had two sons.  One was Isaac.  What was the other son’s name?  Ishmael
  • What did Ishmael do to Isaac at the feast?  He made fun of Isaac.
  • This upset Sarah and she told Abraham that they had to leave.  Where did Hagar and Ishmael go?  The desert.
  • They ran out of water in the desert as Hagar began to cry what happened?  An angel appeared telling her not to worry God would provide and showed them a water well.


Dear God,
Thank you for teaching us that you are always close to us.  You are with us on good days and bad.  We know we can count on you to hear our prayers.  Amen.

Bible Verse for November

“So I say to you. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will open to you.”    Luke 11:9

Outdoor Family Fun

Try this game when you and  your child are in the car during the week.  Have your child close his or her eyes, listen for a sound, and tell you what it is.  Then have your child open his or her eyes and point to where the sounds was coming from.  Play the game a few more times.  Mention that God has even better ears than we do, and repeat the Bible Point together.  God hears us when we pray.

Homespun idea

Play a few games of Hide-and-Seek in your home.  Explain that whoever hides will help count to 10 and then call, “I need you.  Come find me.”  (You may want to hide first to demonstrate the game.)  When you find each other, say the Key Verse together: “Ask and God will hear you.”  Have fun taking turns and repeating the Key Verse.

Daily Challenge

This week, your child learned that God hears us when we pray.  Encourage your child to commit to one of the following  challenges to talk God.  Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenges.

  • When you’re in the car, sing your favorite song or make up a song to sing to God because he hears you no matter where you are.
  • In the morning, say a prayer for each person in your family.
  • Blow some bubbles.  As you blow each bubble, say a prayer to God.  Imagine that your prayers are floating up to God, just like the bubbles!