Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Jesus Heals, Prays and Preaches

Mark 1:29-39

Jesus and his followers left the synagogue.  They all went at once with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew.  Simon’s mother-in-law was sick in bed with a fever.  The people there told Jesus about her.  So Jesus went to her bed, took her hand, and helped her up.  Immediately the fever left her, and she was healed.  Then she began serving them.

That night, after the sun went down, the people brought to Jesus all who were sick.  They also brought those who had demons in them.  The whole town gathered at the door of the house. Jesus healed many who had different kinds of sickness.  He also forced many demons to leave people.  But he would not allow the demons to speak, because they knew who he was.

Early the next morning, Jesus woke and left the house while it was still dark.  He went to a place to be alone and pray.  Later, Simon and his friends went to look for Jesus.  They found him and said, “Everyone is looking for you!”

Jesus answered, “We should go somewhere else, to other towns around here.  Then I can preach there too.  That is the reason I came.”  So he traveled everywhere in Galilee.  He preached in the synagogues and forced demons to leave people.

Discussion Questions

  • Jesus and his followers went to a home. Who’s was it?  Simon and Andrew’s home
  • Why did Jesus go there? Simon’s mother-in-law was sick
  • What did Jesus do? He healed her from her fever.
  • Can Jesus heal anyone?  Yes he can heal people and force demons to leave people
  • True or False.  Jesus and his disciples went to many towns to heal people? True


Dear God,
Thank you for the lesson on healing.  What a blessing it is to have Jesus heal, pray and preach.  Please help us to pray over all things in our lives. Amen.

Bible Verse for February

“Come to me and rest.”  Adapted from Matthew 11:28

Home Connect

Remind your child that we can care for others, just as Jesus cares for us.  Think of a family in your church or in your neighborhood who might need some help.  For example, maybe a single parent in your church could use some free time.  Ask your child what he or she would like to do with the kids — go to the movies, go out to eat, or invite the kids over to play.  Then call up the parent and offer to watch the children for the afternoon, or ask what else the parent might need help with.

  • What are some ways Jesus helps us today?
  • What can we do to help others?

My Recipe Center

Make helping biscuits with your child as a special treat.  You’ll need refrigerated dough for jumbo-sized biscuits, cinnamon-sugar mixture, wax paper, a crayon, and scissors.  Help your child use the crayon to trace his or her handprint onto wax paper; then cut out the shape.  Rollout or flatten each biscuit until it’s a little larger than the handprint.  Place the wax-paper hand on one of the circles of dough, and sprinkle the cinnamon-sugar mixture around the edges of the paper, like a stencil.  Then carefully lift the paper off the biscuit.  Bake the biscuits according to the package directions.  Have your child serve the biscuits at mealtime and explain to the family that Jesus cares for us.

  • What are some ways Jesus cares for your family?
  • What can our family do to care for others?

 Daily Challenge

This week, your child learned that Jesus cares for us. Encourage your child to commit to one of the following  challenges.  Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenges.

  • Draw a picture of Jesus, and place it near your bed at night.  Remember that Jesus cares for you while you are sleeping.
  • Sometimes Jesus uses other people to care for us.  Thank your mom or dad for caring for you.
  • In the morning, ask Jesus to care for you during the day.  Ask Jesus to also help you care for others who need help.