Mark 10:46-52
Then they came to the town of Jericho. As Jesus was leaving there with his followers and a large crowd, a blind beggar named Bartimaeus (son of Timaeus) was sitting by the road. He heard that Jesus from Nazareth was walking by. The blind man cried out, “Jesus, Son of David, please help me!”
Many people scolded the blind man and told him to be quiet. But he shouted more and more, “Son of David, please help me!”
Jesus stopped and said, “Tell the man to come here.”
So they called the blind man. They said, “Cheer Up! Get to your feet Jesus is calling you.” The blind man stood up quickly. He left his coat there and went to Jesus.
Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?”
The blind man answered, “Teacher, I want to see again.”
Jesus said, “Go, You are healed because you believed.” At once the man was able to see again, and he followed Jesus on the road.
Discussion Questions
- What was wrong with the man that was yelling for Jesus? He was blind.
- What was his name? Bartimaeus
- What did he want Jesus to do? Heal him and let him see again
- True or False. Jesus healed him because he believed. True
Dear God,
Thank you for the many healing stories in the Bible. It is such a gift to know you care about us. Please help us to care for those around us. Amen.
Memory Verses
“Come to me and rest.” Matthew 11:28
Connecting @ Home
Take time to sing songs about love and caring? Jesus Loves Me is a good one to get your started!
Discuss as a family what you can do to make another family feel cared about. Could you invite new neighbors over for dinner and games so that they feel cared about and included? What about offering to shovel someone’s drive way as a surprise when they come home from work? Jesus cares for us….let’s make sure those around us feel cared about at well.
Have your kids make dinner! Kids it can be PB&J and a glass of milk to make your parents feel loved and cared for after a long day!
Take time to explain to your child that there may be people in your family or in your community that are different from them or have additional needs. Jesus loves and cares for us all the same. Pray tonight that Jesus puts it on others hearts to treat people equally and to take time to help those around us that need extra help.