Thursday, September 24, 2015

David, a good heart

1 Samuel 15:1-16:13

Saul was a good king for about 20 years.  Then he began to disobey God.  God was sorry he made Saul the king.  Samuel was sad about it, too.
God sent Samuel to a man named Jesse to find a new king.  When Samuel met Jesse, he said, “I would like to meet your sons.”
When Samuel saw them, he thought, These are strong-looking men.  God said, “I do not look at the outside of a person.  I look at the inside of a person.  I look at the heart.”
Samuel asked Jesse, “Do you have another son?”  Jesse said, “Yes.  His name is David.  He is out in the field with the sheep.”  Samuel asked to see him.
As soon as David arrived, God told Samuel, “He is the one I want to be the next king.”  Samuel anointed David.  He poured oil on David’s head, and David was filled with God’s power.

Discussion Questions

God was disappointed with Saul.  Why? Saul began disobeying God 
God asked Samuel to find a man.  What was his name?  Jesse
True or False.  Was God searching for a new king. True
Does God care about how we look on the outside or how we are we are on the inside?  He looks inside at our heart
Who did God choose as the new king?  David


Dear God, 
Thank you for the story of David’s good heart.  Please help us to remember to see the good in others.  Amen

Memory Verses

“Do good and share with others.”  Hebrews 13:16 
Song:  I am Special

(Sung to the tune of Frere Jacques)

I am special, I am special (point to self)
If you look, you will see
Someone very special, someone very special,
It is me, it is me!! (Point to self)


Grab two bags, one a plain, brown one and the other a fancy gift bag. In the plain, brown one, place your child’s favorite snack food. In the gift bag, place your child’s least favorite food. During snack time, let your child choose and open each bag. While he is eating his snack, talk to him about how it only mattered what was on the inside of the bag, not how it looked on the outside. Read the bible story of how God chooses David to be king and how God looked at what was in David’s heart not what was on the outside. Use these questions to talk with your child.  Here are some questions to talk about afterwards.

What do you think is important to God?
What makes you special to God?