Monday, August 15, 2016

The Beginning - Genesis 1

Genesis 1

In the beginning, the world was empty.  Darkness was everywhere.  But God had a plan.
God separated the light from the darkness.  “Let there be light!” he said.  And the light turned on.  He called the light “day.”  And he called the darkness “night.”  This was the end of the very first day.  
Then God said, “I will divide the waters.”  He separated the waters in clouds above from the waters in the ocean below.  He called the space between them “sky.”  This was the end of the second day.
Next, God rolled back the waters and some dry ground appeared.  He made plants of many shapes and colors.  He made mountains, hills, and valleys.  This was the end of the third day. 
God put a shining sun in the sky for daytime.  He put a glowing moon and twinkling stars in the sky for nighttime.  This was the end of the fourth day.
On the fifth day.  God made swishy fish and squiggly creatures to live in the ocean.  Then God made birds to fly across the sky.
On the sixth day, God made animals to creep, crawl, hop, and gallop.  Then from the dust, God made the most wonderful creature of all — a person.

On the seventh day, God rested.  

Discussion Questions

  • Who made the heavens and earth? God did!
  • Who made the sun and the moon,?and the stars to shine at night? God did!
  • Who made all the plants and the animals on the land and in the seas?  God did!
  • Who made the first people? God did!
  • Who made us?  God did!


Dear God, you are the creator of this beautiful world, and you created it for us to enjoy.  Thank you for our time together and the story of Creation.  And thank you that you created the heaven and the earth, and us too!  Amen 

Memory Verses

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”  Genesis 1:1

Cooking: Light and Dark 

White chocolate, Milk Chocolate, Bananas, Plastic knife 

Guide Your Child To:                  
  • Watch as you melt the white chocolate and the milk chocolate in separate containers. 
  • Slice the banana with the plastic knife. 
  • Dip the banana slices into the chocolates, with the white chocolate being day and the milk chocolate being night. 
Talk About:
  • On what day did God separate the light from the dark? (Day 1) 
  • On what day did God divide the waters? (Day 2)
  • On what day did God roll back the water and have dry land? (Day 3) 
  • On what day did God make the sun, moon and stars? (Day 4)
  • On what day did God make the animals of the air and water? (Day 5) 
  • On what day did God make the animals on the land and man? (Day 6) 
  • On what day did God rest? (Day 7)