Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The First Church

Acts 2:42-47

The new believers studied with the disciples.  They learned many things about God and God’s plans.  
They prayer together.
They sang songs and praised God.
They ate meals and celebrated the Lord’s Supper together.  They shared everything they had with each other.  They shared everything they had with each other.
God added more and more believers to the church every day.

Discussion Questions

  • Who did the new believers study with? The disciples.
  • Did they pray together? Yes!
  • Did they sing together? Yes!
  • Did they celebrate the Lord’s Supper together?  Yes!
  • Did more people believe in Jesus that day?  Yes!


Dear God, thank you God for for this story of the first church.   Amen. 

Memory Verses

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life.’”
John 14:6  

Activity:  Teamwork

Materials needed:  Legos
Directions:  During the first church times we learned that the new believers did everything together as a team.
Have your family work together to build a church out of Legos!

Song:  Read your Bible

If you read your Bible and pray everyday you will: grow, grow, grow
Pray everyday, Pray everyday.
Read your bible and pray everyday
and you'll grow, grow, grow!

But if you neglect your Bible and forget to pray you will : shrink, shrink, shrink
So we will read our Bible and pray every day so we grow, grow, grow. 

Read your Bible and pray everyday

Don't read your Bible and forget to pray.
Forget to pray. Forget to pray.
Don't read your Bible and forget to pray.
And you'll shrink, shrink, shrink!