Judges 13-16
The Israelites were in trouble again. Along came a very strong man named Samson. God had chosen him to save the Israelites from their enemies, the Philistines.
Samson knew that as long as he did not cut his hair, he would always be very strong.
Samson was in love with Delilah. The Philistines told Delilah they would pay her if she found out what make Samson so strong. At first, Samson lied to her.
“If you tie me up with ropes,” samson said, “I will lose by strength.” That night while Samson slept, Delilah tied him up. Then she shouted, “The Philistines are coming!” Samson jumped up and broke the ropes. Delilah kissed him and asked, “Won’t you tell me your secret?”
Samson gave in and told her, “My strength is in my long hair.” When Samson was asleep, Delilah had all his hair cut off. Samson’s strength was gone! the Philistines grabbed him and put him in jail.
A while later, the Philistines were having a big party. They brought Samson in and made fun of him.
Samson prayed to God to make him strong one last time. God did.
Samson pushed the pillars with all his might. The temple came crashing down, and Samson defeated the Philistines.
Discussion Questions
God chose another man to help save his people. What was his name? Samson
What was special about Samson? He was very strong
Where did his strength come from? His hair
What was his wife’s name? Deliah.
Delilah had his hair cut and what happened? The Philistines put him in jail
Dear God,
Thank you for the story of Samson and may we never forget that we find our strength in you. Amen
Memory Verse
“See what awesome things God has done!”
Psalm 66:5