David and Goliath 1 Samuel 17:1-51
The Philistines were enemies of God. Their army came to fight King Saul’s army. A giant soldier named Goliath yelled, “Bring out your best soldier to fight me!”
“If your strongest soldier defeats me, we will be your slaves!” he boomed. “If I defeat him, you will be our slaves!” King Saul’s soldiers were afraid. They did not want to fight the giant.
Meanwhile, young David was taking food to his brothers. They were soldiers in King Saul’s army. When David reached the camp, he saw Goliath.
David heard the giant’s challenge. “I am not afraid to fight the giant,” said David. King Saul called for David and told him, “You cannot fight the giant. You are too young.” David replied, “God will be with me.”
King Saul gave his armor to David, but it was big and heavy. David wasn’t used to wearing armor.
David went to a nearby stream and picked up five stones. He stood before Goliath. The giant laughed at him, but David didn’t care. He said, “I come before you in the name of the Lord who rules over all.”
David put a stone in his sling and ran toward the giant. Then he let the stone fly.
It hit Goliath’s forehead, and he fell to the ground! The Philistines saw that their hero was dead. They ran away.
Discussion Questions
- There was a very big soldier. What was his name? Goliath
- Who was brave enough to fight Goliath? David
- Did the rest of the army think David could fight Goliath? No, they thought he was too young
- How many stones did David get from the stream? Five
- How many did he use to knock Goliath down? Only one!
- Why was David so brave to fight Goliath? He knew God would be with him and protect him.
Dear God,
Thank you for the story of David and Goliath. We know now that whether we are small or young we can make a BIG difference. Amen
Memory Verse
“Do good and share with others.” Hebrews 13:16
Song: Only a Boy Named David
Only a boy named David
Only a little sling
Only a boy named David
But he could pray and sing
Only a boy named David
Only a rippling brook
Only a boy named David
But five little stones he took.
And one little stone went in the sling
And the sling went round and round
And one little stone went in the sling
And the sling went round and round
And round and round
And round and round
And round and round and round
And one little prayer went up to God
And the giant came tumbling down.
Activity: Cooking
Streams and Stones
You will need: celery stalks, raisins, cream cheese or yogurt, a plastic knife
Have the children help to rinse the celery.
They then use a plastic knife to spread the cheese or yogurt in a celery stalk.
They place 5 raisins (5 smooth stones) on their snack.
VARIATION: Color the cheese or yogurt blue by adding a small amount of blue food gel coloring and mixing.
Sling Shots
For this snack, you will need: cookie dough (the refrigerated cookie dough will work), red licorice (the ones you can peel), chocolate chips
Give each child a slice of cookie dough. Have them roll it into a snake.
Show them how to shape their snake into a letter "Y" (Sling shot shape).
Bake the cookies. When done, the children attach a piece of red licorice from one top of the "Y" to the other. Give them a handful of chocolate chip stones!