Monday, September 17, 2018

Abraham, Sarah and the visitors

Genesis 17-18; 21

One hot day, Abraham was resting near his tent.  He heard footsteps.  Three men were standing nearby.  Abraham went out to greet him.  “Would you like to rest in the shade?  We have plenty of cool water to drink.  Can I get you something to eat?”
Abraham told Sarah about the visitors.  He asked her to make a tasty meal.  
While they were eating, three visitors shared some exciting news.  They said, “Your wife is going to have a son.”
Sarah heard what they said.  She laughed, thinking, I am too old.  God asked Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh?  Anything is possible with the Lord.”

Sure enough, the next year, Sarah had a baby boy.  They named him Isaac.

Discussion Questions

  • Who visited Abraham?  Three men
  • What was the message they had for Abraham and Sarah? They told them they would have a baby boy.
  • What was Sarah’s reaction?   She laughed and laughed because she thought she was too old.
  • Is anything possible with God? Yes!
  • What did they name the baby?  Isaac


Dear God, 
Thank you for this amazing story of Abraham and Sarah.  May we always remember to be patient and wait on your timing.  We thank you for the plans you have in our lives.  Amen 

Memory Verse

“Do not be afraid, for  I am with you.”   Genesis 26:24

Song:   Father Abraham

Father Abraham
Had many sons
Many sons had Father Abraham 
I am one of them
And so are you
So let’s just praise the Lord
Right arm (while you repeat the song, swing your right arm)

When you get to the end say each body part that you have already sang and add a new one)
Left arm
Right foot
Left foot
Nod your head
Turn around
Sit down – when you get are finished!

Activity: Tent Time

Let children cover a table with sheets or blankets and have part of their class under the table in the new tent. Talk about the Bible story and children can quote Bible verses about God's love and caring for them.