Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 2013 Hope's Happenings

Valentine’s Day Parties
       Our Valentine’s Day Party will be on Thursday, February 14 from 1-2 pm. We will be letting parents take the lead role in planning and running this party. Your child’s teacher has a sign-up sheet outside her classroom with all the roles that need to be filled so if there’s a particular role or donation that you’d like to make, please be sure to sign up. 
    We will be doing a Valentine exchange – please make sure your child has a Valentine for each child in his class. Please leave the “To” space blank and have your child fill in the “From”; this is a great opportunity for your child to practice writing his name, in a way that makes it enjoyable! (And don’t forget your child’s teachers!) Just a reminder: Ms. Denton’s PreK class has 12 students, Ms. Vrshek’s PreK class has 12 students, Mrs. Bremer’s PreK class has 11 students, Mrs. Pilon’s K4 class has 11 students, and Mrs. Grider’s K4 class has 12 students.
    General reminders: No red or purple drinks or foods for the snack.  If you are signed up to oversee the craft, please talk to the teacher prior to purchasing any supplies, as the school may already have some of what you need (glue, paint, markers, paper, etc). If you do bring in additional paint, it needs to be washable (non-acrylic).  Also, we cannot do projects with lots of glue or paint, as it will be too difficult to transport home after the party, because they won’t be dry.

Subs Needed
We are in need of some substitute teachers for this school year! If you are willing to come in to aide in a classroom for a day, please let Mrs. Bonson know ASAP.

2013-3014 Registration
This week we will begin registration for next year. This will be for families currently enrolled in Children of Hope Preschool. Please look for a form to come home in your child’s mailbox soon!
We will open up registration to the public beginning in March.

Family Breakfast
Mark your calendars for Thursday, February 28 for a Family Breakfast. Breakfast will be served beginning at 9:45, so if you can arrive a few minutes early that day, we’d love to have you!
We will meet together as a school in the gym and we want you parents to join us. We will have some breakfast, sing a couple songs, enjoy some fellowship and have a short devotional.  Please make this a priority as your child would love to experience this alongside you!

When Your Child is Ill
Your child should be healthy when you bring him to school.  If your child is ill, please keep him home; and please be mindful that your child needs to be fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication before he may return to school.  Everyone involved in the program will appreciate this. 
Also, if your child won’t be coming in, please give us a call at 888-HOPE (888-4673) to let us know. 
If a child becomes sick while at school, he will be kept isolated from the other children and the guardian will be expected to pick up the child immediately. Please be sure the preschool office has updated contact information to reach you quickly if the need arises.
In addition, if your child has been exposed to or contracts a contagious disease (such as Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease, or Fifth’s Disease), please notify the director as soon as possible so that she may alert other families whose children may have been exposed.  Please consult your physician and the director as to when your child may return to school.

Take What You Need
We continue to have the opportunity to bless one another. If you have clothing or toys which your children have outgrown, please feel free to bring them in on Tuesday for other families to take as needed. On the flip side, if you see anything that would work well for your child, please take it home. You DO NOT need to donate anything in order to take what you need.   
This is a ministry we would like to make available each week, so as you have items to share, please bring them in on a Tuesday. However, anything left on Thursday after everyone has been picked up will go to a local shelter; it will not be kept for the following week.

News from
New Hope Church

Sunday Mornings
Looking for a place to worship on Sunday mornings and a place where you can connect and serve the Lord? New Hope Church is an independent, evangelical, protestant church located in the Center Grove-Greenwood community. 
Get to know New Hope by checking out the information provided on the church’s website (, and please stop by on a Sunday morning to check us out.  Our services are at 9:00 and 10:30. If you have any questions, please ask us in the preschool office or call the main church office at 888-HOPE (4673).

Mom’s Group
MOMs Group has gotten off to a great start this year. So far they have studied God's Word, fellowshipped with other believers and moms, heard a guest speaker on couponing and created Scripture to hang on our walls at home.
 If you haven't had a chance to pop in, please feel free to stop by and join in all the fun we are having.  Mom’s Groups meets on Wednesday mornings from 9:15 to 11:15. Childcare is provided for $1 per child per session. Scholarships are available.

Lit n’ Latte
The women’s book club meets on the third Thursday of each month at 8:30am at Strange Brew.  Feel free to call the church office at 888-HOPE (4673) to find out which book they’re reading next, and feel free to join the group anytime!

 Mom’s Group
MOMs Group has gotten off to a great start this year. So far they have studied God's Word, fellowshipped with other believers and moms, heard a guest speaker on couponing and created Scripture to hang on our walls at home.
 If you haven't had a chance to pop in, please feel free to stop by and join in all the fun we are having.  Mom’s Groups meets on Wednesday mornings from 9:15 to 11:15. Childcare is provided for $1 per child per session. Scholarships are available.

Lit n’ Latte
The women’s book club meets on the third Thursday of each month at 8:30am at Strange Brew.  Feel free to call the church office at 888-HOPE (4673) to find out which book they’re reading next, and feel free to join the group anytime!