Thursday, February 21, 2013

October 2012 Hope's Happenings

Firefighter Day
Thank You
Thank you to all the parents who were able to help out for Firefighter Day!  The students had a great time and learned so much about fire safety.

COH Open House
We are so excited for you to join us for our Open House on Thursday, October 11 from 1:00 to 2:00. This day is an opportunity for you to spend some time in the classroom with your child.
There will not be a special event, such as a song, taking place; this is just a chance to see what a day in Preschool looks like.
As a reminder, too, this is not an opportunity for a conference with the teacher. She will need to keep her focus on her students during this time.
If you would like to set up a conference with a teacher, please make that appointment in the Preschool office for another time. Thank you so much for your understanding, and we look forward to seeing you for the Open House.

Fall Break
Just a reminder that the COH Fall Break is October 16-18. This is in line with the Greenwood and Perry Township Fall Breaks, but NOT Center Grove.
Breakfast With Friends
We are excited to announce “Breakfast with Friends.” It will begin at the end of October. More information will be coming home soon, but for now, please get the date for your child’s breakfast on the calendar:
Mrs. Vrshek — October 24
Mrs. Grider — October 30
Mrs. Pilon — October 30
Ms. Denton — October 31
Mrs. Bremer — November 1

PreK Field Trip
Our Fall Field trip for PreK Students ONLY is scheduled for Wednesday, October 24 at 10:30.
We will be going to Home Depot for a make-it-and-take-it wood craft, and we will need several volunteers to help chaperone this trip. If you are planning to attend, please let Mrs. Parker know. With that, please understand that if you commit to going, we are counting on you to be there, as children will be assigned to you for supervision.
In addition, siblings will not be allowed to attend the field trip so if you are attending as a chaperone, please make other arrangements for siblings who are not enrolled at the preschool.
Students will need to wear their Children of Hope T-shirts on that day. Permission slips will be coming home in the next couple of weeks. Each child must have a signed permission slip turned in to the office or they will not be able to attend.
In addition, each child MUST have a car seat or booster seat in order to ride on the bus. On the day of the field trip, parents or guardians will be asked to remove the child’s car seat from their own car and install it on the bus themselves.
If you have any questions about this field trip, please come by the office after you have dropped off your child, or call us at 888-HOPE (888-4673).

Subs Needed
We are in need of some substitute teachers for this school year! If you are willing to come in to aide in a classroom for a day, please let Mrs. Bonson know ASAP.

Take What You Need
We continue to have the opportunity to bless one another. If you have clothing or toys which your children have outgrown, please feel free to bring them in on Tuesday for other families to take as needed. On the flip side, if you see anything that would work well for your child, please take it home. You DO NOT need to donate anything in order to take what you need.   
This is a ministry we would like to make available each week, so as you have items to share, please bring them in on a Tuesday. However, anything left on Thursday after everyone has been picked up will be donated to a local shelter.
If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Parker.

News from New Hope Church

Sunday Morning Worship
Looking for a place to worship on Sunday mornings and a place where you can connect and serve the Lord? New Hope Church is an independent, evangelical, protestant church; located in the Center Grove-Greenwood, IN community. 
The church began in the late 1980's with the intent to become a church that would welcome anyone, especially those who don't normally attend church.
From its humble beginning with only 28 families, it is now a  church community of hundreds; God has blessed and directed New Hope Church each step of the journey.
Get to know New Hope by checking out the information provided on the church’s website (, and please stop by on a Sunday morning to check us out.  Our services are at 9:00 and 10:30. If you have any questions, please ask us in the preschool office or call the main church office at 888-HOPE.

The next meeting of New Hope Crafters will be Saturday, October 12. Beginning at 9:00 am, anyone with an interest in any type of crafting from cardmaking, to sewing, to scrapbooking and the like is invited for this day of fellowship and fun.   

MOM's group is meeting every Wednesday  at 9:15 am. Childcare is provided for preschool age and younger at a cost of $1 per child per week.  All moms are welcome.  Contact the church office at 888-4673 for more information.  

Lit 'n' Latte        Book Club

Please join us on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 8:30 am at Strange Brew (Smith Valley Rd & Morgantown). Upcoming books:
October 18 - "Loving Frank" by Nancy Horan; facilitator: Barb Lasher
November 15 - "Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption" by Laura Hillenbrand; facilitator: Karen Beck
December 20 - "Christmas at Fairacre" (a volume of three heartwarming holiday tales including "Village Christmas" by Miss Read; facilitator: Bonny Moser