Discussion Questions
- How much does Jesus love us? Christ’s love is greater than any person can ever know.
- What is the only way we can understand how wide and how long and how high and how deep Christ’s love is? By praying to understand the greatness of it.
you for your great big love. Please help us to understand its greatness.
Bible Verse for May
strong and brave. The Lord your God will be with you everywhere you go.”
Joshua 1:9
Science: Measuring
- Several popsicle sticks, paint sticks, wooden spoons or some other item in multiples (to be used in place of a ruler)
- Variety of things to measure, both inside and outside of the house (if it’s a nice day)
Guide Your Child
- Measure some things using the popsicle sticks (or whatever you choose), lying the sticks end to end and then counting the number of sticks. For example, the table is 10 popsicle sticks long.
- Measure various things in the room together. Talk about if they are the same size or a different size, etc.
- Talk about: Is there anything you can’t measure?
- Measure Jesus’ love. Say: “Hmm….I don’t know how to do that. Do you? How do you know that Jesus loves you?” (He is my friend, the Bible tells me so, He listens when I pray, He makes me feel happy inside…)
Singing: Deep and Wide
Deep and wide
Deep and wide
There's a
fountain flowing deep and wide
Deep and wide
Deep and wide
There's a
fountain flowing deep and wide
Hmmm and wide
Hmmm and wide
There's a
fountain flowing hmmm and wide
Hmmm and wide
Hmmm and wide
There's a
fountain flowing hmmm and wide
Hmmm and hmmm
Hmmm and hmmm
There's a
fountain flowing hmmm and hmmm
Hmmm and hmmm
Hmmm and hmmm
There's a
fountain flowing hmmm and hmmm
Hmmm and hmmm
Hmmm and hmmm
Hmmm hmmm hmmm
hmmm flowing hmmm and hmmm
Hmmm and hmmm
Hmmm and hmmm
Hmmm hmmm hmmm
hmmm flowing hmmm and hmmm
Hmmm hmmm hmmm
Hmmm hmmm hmmm
Hmmm hmmm hmmm
hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm
Hmmm hmmm hmmm
Hmmm hmmm hmmm
Hmmm hmmm hmmm
hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm