Summary of 1 Samuel 20
1: David fled from Naioth in Ramah; he came to Jonathan and said, “What have I done, what is my crime and my guilt against your father, that he seeks my life?”
13-16: [Jonathan said to David:] “But if my father intends to do you harm, may the LORD do thus to Jonathan and more if I do [not] disclose it to you and send you off to escape unharmed. May the LORD be with you, as He used to be with my father. Nor shall you fail to show me the LORD’s faithfulness, while I am alive; nor, when I am dead, shall you ever discontinue your faithfulness to my house — not even after the LORD has wiped out every one of David’s enemies from the face of the earth. Thus has Jonathan covenanted with the house of David; and may the LORD requite the enemies of David!”
20-22: Now I will shoot three arrows to one side of it, as though I were shooting at a mark, and I will order the boy to go and find the arrows. If I call to the boy, ‘Hey! the arrows are on this side of you,’ be reassured and come, for you are safe and there is no danger — as the LORD lives! But if, instead, I call to the lad, ‘Hey! the arrows are beyond you,’ then leave, for the LORD has sent you away.
30-32: Saul flew into a rage against Jonathan. “You son of a perverse, rebellious woman!” he shouted. “I know that you side with the son of Jesse — to your shame, and to the shame of your mother’s nakedness! For as long as the son of Jesse lives on earth, neither you nor your kingship will be secure. Now then, have him brought to me, for he is marked for death.” But Jonathan spoke up and said to his father, “Why should he be put to death? What has he done?”
41: When the boy got there, David emerged from his concealment at the Negeb. He flung himself face down on the ground and bowed low three times. They kissed each other and wept together; David wept the longer. Discussion Questions
- David left because he was afraid of something. What was it? That King Saul was going to kill him.
- How was Jonathan a good friend to David? He spoke to his father (King Saul) about not killing him and that he is an innocent man.
- Jonathan was a good friend to David through the good times and the very scary times. True or False: True
Dear God,
Thank you for teaching us what a friend is and how a true friend helps you through good and bad times. Amen
Bible Verse for August
“A friend loves at all times.”
Proverbs 17:17a
Outdoor Family Fun
After dinner one night take a walk and talk about what a true friend is. For example, a good friend is someone who treats you nice at all times, they use kind words, and cheer you up when you feel sad. Then ask he or she what they can do at school tomorrow to show kindness to a friend.
Homespun Idea
Build a tent with your child(ren). Come up with a plan together on how it will look. Will you use the table and chairs with blankets? Will use chairs, couch, and blankets? Encourage discussion about how you are working together and considering other people’s opinions. True friends are a team!
Daily Challenge
This week we have been talking about how friends care for each other and help each other. He or she committed to one of the following challenges to thank God for their friends. Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenge!
- Offer to do a brother or sister’s chores.
- Invite a friend over and let the friend pick the first game they will play.
- Find a book about helping in your house, or ask a parent to take you to the library. Thank God for making friends.
- Offer to walk the neighbor’s dog.