Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Forever Friends

1 Samuel 20:41-42

When the boy left, David came out from the south side of the rock.  He bowed facedown on the ground before Jonathan.  He did this three times.  Then David and Jonathan kissed each other.  They cried together, but David cried the most. 

Jonathan said to David, “Go in peace.  We have promised by the Lord that we will be friends.  We said, “The Lord will be a witness between you and me, and between our descendants forever.”  Then David left, and Jonathan went back to work. 

Discussion Questions

  • David and Jonathan are brothers?  True or False:  False
  • Why did they cry?  They were crying happy tears because they stayed friends.
  • Jonathan was a true friend by standing up to King Saul to keep David safe?  True or False:  True 


Dear God,Thank you for the story of Jonathan and David.  We have learned a lot about what a true friend is from the Bible.  Please help us to always be kind to our friends.  Amen 

Bible Verse for August

“A friend loves at all times.” 
Proverbs 17:17a

Song:  The More We Get Together

The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together
The happier we'll be

The more we play together
Together, together
The more we play together
The happier we'll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we play together 
The happier we'll be

The more we dance together
Together, together
The more we dance together
The happier we'll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we dance together
The happier we'll be

The more we get together
The happier we'll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
The more we get together
The hap-pi-er we'll be

Outdoor Family Fun

Take a family bike ride.  At the end of each sidewalk take turns picking which way to turn.  Your child will get exercise, practice patience while waiting his or her turn, learn left and right, and work as a team to have a family fun bike ride.

Homespun Idea

Tonight be a TEAM!!  Play a board game and praise your
children for taking turns.  When they hear you using positive
comments they will do the same!  Forever friends lift their friends
up!  Kind words go a long way!

Daily Challenge

This week we have been talking how friends are forever.   Your child has committed to one of the following challenges in a way to thank God for their friends.  Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenge!

  • Pick a flower (from your garden) and share with your friend at school.
  • Offer to pray for a friend and then remind that friend Jesus love them!
  • Be a leader on the playground.  Invite your friend and then someone new to be included in your game.  It feels good to be included!
  • Color a picture for your neighbor or family member