Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Jesus Heals the Blind Beggar

John 9:1-12

Jesus and his disciples saw a blind beggar.  He had been blind since he was born.  The disciples asked Jesus, “Teacher, did this man sin? Or did his parents?  Is that why he is blind?
“No one sinned,” said Jesus.  “This happened so that God’s work could be shown in his life.”  Then Jesus spit on the ground and made mud out of it with his hands.  He gently spread the mud on the blind man’s eyes.  
Then Jesus told the man, “Go to the Pool of Siloam and wash off the mud.”
As soon as the mud was washed off, the man could see!  Everyone was amazed.  They wanted to find out more about Jesus.

Discussion Questions

  • Jesus and his disciples saw a man.  What was wrong with him.  A blind man
  • Did he sin and that is why he is blind? No
  • Why is he blind? He was blind so that God’s work could be shown in his life.
  • How did Jesus heal the blind man?  Jesus spit on the ground and made mud out of it with his hands.  He then spread it on the man’s eyes.
  • What happened next?  The blind beggar went to the Pool of Siloam and washed it off and he could see!


Dear God,  thank you for this story.  Healing is such a blessing you share with many.  May we always turn to you.  Amen

Memory Verses

“‘Truly you are the Son of God.”  Matthew 14:33

Drawing in the Dark:

Supplies needed:  blindfolds, paper, markers or crayons.
Place the blindfold on your child and ask them to draw something.  
Then discuss how it felt not being able to see and discuss