Matthew 17:24-27
It was time to pay the temple tax. This money was used to fix up the temple.
One day, some tax collectors said to Peter, “Jesus does not pay the temple tax, does he?” Peter replied, “Of course he does.”
Before Peter could ask Jesus what to do, Jesus told him, “Even though I am the Son of God, I will pay the tax. Go fishing. Take the first fish you catch. Look in its mouth and you will find a coin.
Take it and give it to the tax collectors. It will pay my tax and yours.”
Peter caught a fish. He opened its mouth and found a coin inside! It was exactly enough to pay the tax collectors.
Discussion Questions
- What was the temple tax used for? To fix up the temple
- Did Jesus pay the tax? Yes
- What did Jesus ask Peter to do? Jesus told Peter to go fishing and to look in the mouth of the first fish he caught.
- What was in the mouth of the fish? Money!
- What happened next? Peter took the money to the tax collectors to pay his and Jesus’ taxes.
Dear God, thank you for this story. Providing what we need whether it is money, food, healing, or shelter. You always provide. Amen
Memory Verses
“‘Truly you are the Son of God.” Matthew 14:33
Money in a Fish:
Supplies needed: paper plates, stapler, googley eyes, scissors, glue, pretend money, and markers.
- Holding the two plates together rim to rim (so that it is 3-D), cut out a large triangle for the mouth.
- Next staple around the edge of the plate. Staple one of the triangles on the back for the tail-fin.
- Decorate the fish any way you want.
- Next glue the eyes and other fin onto the fish. Place a coin in its mouth and you have a perfect prop for telling and retelling the story.