Monday, September 29, 2014

Noah Builds An Ark

Based on Genesis 6:5-22

One day as God was thinking about the people on earth His heart became very sad.  He could see that all the people had become very bad, so bad that they stopped thinking of anything good.  God was so sad and hurt that he wanted to get rid of every person and all the creatures that He had made.  He wanted all the evil to stop.
The thing about God is that He gets very angry at our sin and all the bad stuff in the world but we also know that God is love.  God IS love, so that means that He can be disappointed when we do bad things but He still loves us, and that's why He remembered Noah.
Noah was the only one that was righteous (which means that he did things right).  He was a good guy and he walked with God.
So God said to Noah, "I am going to put an end to all the people because the earth is full of fighting because of them.  I am going to destroy them and the earth."
God then gave Noah instructions on how to make the boat.  He told him what kind of wood and how big to make it.  He also told him to put a door in the side of the ark and to make it with three floors.  The ark was humongous! 
The Bible says that next God told Noah that He would make a covenant with him.  A covenant is an agreement with a promise.  He would save Noah, his wife, and his three sons and their wives.  They would be safe in the ark because God was going to flood the whole earth and everything else would die. 
I'm missing one other BIG thing that's going in the ark with Noah and his family... and that is...  The animals!  Two of all living creatures male and female (or the boy and girl of each).  Plus two of every kind of bird and every creature that moves along the ground.
Then food for each of them for as long as they were on the boat.  Yikes!  That's a lot of animals and a lot of food.  I think it would've been a very full, noisy, stinky place to be, but they would all be safe.
It's hard to describe how big the ark actually was but if you think of some of the biggest animals you know (elephant, moose, buffalo, giraffe, rhino, gorilla) and make sure you have 2 of each of those plus all the other little animals that couldn't be stepped on...they needed a lot of room!
Some people think it took over 100 years to build the ark and the Bible says that Noah was 600 years old when the flood waters came.  Keep in mind that Noah was building a big ark because God told him to.  I have a feeling Noah and his family were teased a lot from the other people.  What if your neighbor started building a huge boat on your street?  It would sound a little strange...

Discussion Questions

  • Why was God angry? People were sinning.
  • What did God ask Noah to do? Build an ark
  • What people were to go on the ark?  Noah, his wife, their three sons and their wives
  • What else did God tell Noah to put on the ark? Two of every kind of animal and food for them


Dear God,
Thank you for the story about Noah building the ark.  Help us understand how important it is to obey God and our parents.  We love you. Amen.

Bible Verse for September

 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and all your strength.” 
Deuteronomy 6:5

Outdoor Family Fun

Take your preschooler for a walk around a football field at a neighborhood school.  As you walk, talk with your child about the size of the ark, which was almost the size of one and a half football fields (almost 150 yards long).  Talk about how many animals would have fit inside.  Listen to any questions and comments from your child, and enjoy your time together.

Homespun idea

Cut a milk carton so that your child can float it in the bathtub.  If little plastic animals or people are available, suggest that they be put in the carton to re-create Noah’s ark.


The story of Noah’s ark is a favorite of many preschoolers.  As you read about this in the Bible, use different voices and pause often so that your child can make background noises to assist you.  This participation will enhance your child’s attention and make familiar verses more enjoyable.

Daily Challenge

 This week, your child learned that God wants us to obey.  Encourage you child to  commit to one of the following  challenges to show you and God he or she want to be obedient.  Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenges.

  • When your mom or dad asks you to pick up your toys, do it right away.
  • When it’s time for bed, go to bed without whining or complaining. 
  • Every morning, ask God how he wants you to obey that day.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Cain Kills Abel

Genesis 4: 1-16 (summarized)

Just after Adam and Eve had to leave the garden of Eden, they were very sad about disobeying God.  They asked God how they could show Him how sorry they were.  God told them that they could show Him how they felt by sacrificing a lamb, which they did.
After awhile, Adam and Eve had two sons.  Their first son was called Cain and their second was called Abel.  Cain was a farmer.  He grew vegetables and grains.  Abel was a shepherd who looked after the family's herds.  Cain and Abel were like most siblings they  didn't always get along.  But they were brothers and loved each other very much, despite their occasional fights.
Adam and Eve (their mom and dad) told Cain and Abel about the message God gave them that they should sacrifice a lamb to God to show how much they appreciated all He'd done and how sorry they were for their sins.
Abel was very concerned that his sacrifice be special to God.  He chose his first and best lamb and offered it to the Lord.  It was hard for Abel to give up his most prized possession, but it was important to him to try his best to do as God had asked.
Cain thought his little brother was a bit silly for giving up his best lamb.  "Good grief," he thought.  "We need that lamb, God doesn't.  I'm sure He'd be just as happy if we sacrificed the runt of the litter.  In fact, why does it need to be a lamb at all?  I'm a farmer and it's been a great year for my wheat crop -- I can't use everything I've grown.  Why don't I just burn some of the extra straw I have.  That way, I won't be wasting any."
Cain's reasoning sounds pretty good when you first hear it, doesn't it?
Cain watched as the lamb burnt up completely on the altar, while his left over straw just smoldered a bit and never really caught fire at all.
That could mean only one thing!  God preferred Abel.
Cain was jealous!  He didn't take the time or the responsibility to realize that it was his decision to sacrifice straw that caused the difference in God's response to their sacrifices.  Instead, he just got angry at his brother.
Cain asked Abel to go for a walk with him, and while he was still angry, Cain struck Abel to the ground and killed him.  When Cain realized what he'd done, he was more concerned that someone might have seen what he'd done than he was sorry for his brother's death.  He looked around and sighed a breath of relief that no one was nearby.
And then the Lord spoke, "Cain, where is your brother."    Cain shrugged, "I don't know!  Am I my brother's keeper?"  God replied, "Cain, how could you be so cruel to your only brother.  He has done nothing, but try his best for Me, for his parents... and for you."
Cain fell to the ground sobbing.  Finally, he felt the horror of what he'd done.  And he had to live with that feeling and the knowledge that he'd killed his little brother for the rest of his life.

Discussion Questions

  • Adam and Eve had two sons.  What are their names? Cain and Abel
  • Which son was the farmer? Cain, he grew vegetables and grains.
  • What was Abel?  A Shepherd
  • Why did Cain kill Abel? Cain was jealous of Abel.  He thought Abel was God’s favorite


Dear God,
Thank you for our families.  Please help us to be kind to our brothers and sisters every day.

Bible Verse for September 

 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and all your strength.” 
Deuteronomy 6:5

Outdoor Family Fun

 The next time you go to the grocery store, help your child tell you what items Cain might have grown (fruits and vegetables) and what items Abel might have raised (meat that comes from animals).  Ask your child which items look best.  Note that Abel gave his very best, which made God happy.

Homespun idea

Help your preschooler learn to give the best he or she has to someone else.  Each time something needs to be cut or divided into pieces, suggest to your child that he or she give the bigger piece to another person.  Help your child understand this action as a way of showing love for family members or politeness toward guests

Daily Challenge

This week, your child learned that God wants us to love our families.  Encourage you child to  commit to one of the following  challenges to show love to his or her family in daily life.  Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenges.

  • Share a toy with someone in your family. 
  • Help each person in your family with a chore.  
  • When you go to breakfast in the morning ,give everyone in your family a big hug.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Adam and Eve Sin

Based on Genesis 3

Many trees grew in the Garden of Eden.  God told Adam and Eve, “You may eat the fruit from any tree except for one.  Never eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” 

Now, there was a sneaky snake in the garden.  One day, the snake saw Eve near the special tree.  It hissed, “Did God really tell you not to eat the fruit from this tree?”

The snake wanted Eve to disobey God.  It said, “You should try some of this tasty fruit.  If you eat it, you will be like God.  You will be able to tell the difference between good and evil.”

The fruit looked tasty.  Eve remembered what God had said, but she ate the fruit anyway.  Then Eve gave some to Adam.  He took a bite, too.

As the sun was going down, Adam and Eve heard God walking through the garden.  He was looking for them .  Adam and Eve hid among the trees.  They were afraid. 

”What have you done?”  God asked.  “Did you eat the fruit from the forbidden tree?”  Adam said, “Yes but Eve gave it to me.”  Eve said, “Yes, but the snake tricked me.”

God told the snake, “Because of what you did, you will always crawl on your belly.”  Then he told Adam and Eve, “Because you disobeyed me, you can longer live in the garden.” 

Adam and Eve left the garden.  God placed angels and a flaming sword to guard the entrance.  Adam and Eve would not be allowed in the garden again.

Discussion Questions

  • What was the place God planted for Adam? Eden
  • What did Adam and Eve do that was wrong? They disobeyed God and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
  • Who told Eve to eat the fruit?  Snake
  • What happened to Adam and Eve? They had to leave the garden and the were not allowed to come back.


Dear God,
Thank you for the story of the sneaky snake.  Please help us to be obedient to our parents and to You.

Bible Verse for September

 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” 
Genesis 1:1

Outdoor Family Fun

Choose a day for a family outing.  Allow your child to choose one of two outings the family might enjoy.  (Be sure the two choices are also acceptable with the rest of the family.)  Explain to your child that God cares for us and lets us make choices. 

Homespun idea

Play this fun game with your child this week.  Put a 6-foot-long strip of masking tape on the floor.  Place a prize, such as a toy or piece of candy, at the end.  Stand at the other end of the tape, and take turns jumping as far as you can toward the prize.

After a few unsuccessful attempts, tell your child that sin keeps us away from God.  But God loved us so much that he made a way for us to be with him forever.  When we ask Jesus to forgive our sins, he forgives us and brings us close to God.

Repeat the game.  This time, after your child jumps, carry him or her the prize.  Say that when we do wrong, Jesus forgives us and brings us close to God.

Daily Challenge

This week, your child learned that God wants us to make good choices.  Encourage your child to commit to one of the following challenges to make good choices.  Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenge!

  • Make the right choice to share with our brothers, sisters, or friends all week.
  • If you do something wrong, ask God to help you make the right choice next time.  Then a
  • your mom or dad for forgiveness.
  • When you have a choice to do right or wrong say aloud “God wants us to make good choices,”
  • and then choose the right thing.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

God Creates Adam and Eve

Based on Genesis 2:4-22

This is the story of creation of the sky and the earth.  When the Lord God made the earth and the sky, there were no plants on the earth.  Nothing was growing in the fields.  The Lord God had not yet made it rain on the land.  And there was no man to care for the ground.  But a mist often rose from the earth and watered all the ground. 

Then the Lord God took dust from the ground and formed man from it.  The Lord breathed breath of life into the man’s nose.  And the man became a living person.  Then the Lord God planted a garden in the East, in a place called Eden.  He put the man he had formed in that garden.  The Lord God caused every beautiful tree and every tree that was good for food to grow out of the ground.  In the middle of the garden God put the tree that gives life.  And he put there the tree that give the knowledge of good and evil.

A river flowed  through Eden and watered the garden.  From that point the river was divided.  It had four streams flowing through it. 

The Lord God put the man in the garden of Eden to care for it and work it.  The Lord God commanded him, “you may eat the fruit from any tree in the garden.  But you must not eat the fruit from the tree which gives the knowledge of good and evil.  If you ever eat from that tree, you will die.”

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.  I will make a helper who is right for him.”

From the ground God formed every wild animal and every bird in the sky.  He brought them to the man so the man could name them.  Whatever the man called each living thing, that became its name.  The man gave names to all the tame animals, to the birds in the sky and to all the wild animals.  But Adam did not find a helper that was right for him.  So the Lord God caused the man to sleep very deeply.  While the man was asleep, God took one of the ribs from the man’s body.  Then God closed the man’s skin at the place where he took the rib.  The Lord God used the rib from the man to make a woman.  Then the Lord brought the woman to the man.

Discussion Questions

  • What was the name of the garden God had created for Adam? Eden
  • What was Adam’s job in the garden of Eden?  To name the animals and take care of them.
  • God told Adam he could eat fruit from any tree in the garden except one.  Which tree could he not eat from?  The tree which gives the knowledge of good and evil.


Dear God,
Thank you for our time together and the story of Adam and Eve. Please help us remember you created all things.

Bible Verse for September

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” 
Genesis 1:1

 Outdoor Family Fun

Be like a kid again!  Take time to go outside and roll on the grass with your child.  Show your child how to do log rolls with your arms against your body and legs straight.  Do somersaults, hop on one leg or both legs together, toss a ball back and forth, or do any other large-muscle activities you might think of together.

Homespun idea

Encourage your child to try to create something new or find a new way to use a toy.  You might suggest that your child choose a toy car or figurine to dip in a plate of paint or pudding and then stamp the imprint on a piece of paper.  Write your “child’s name” is Special across the top of the paper, and put it on your refrigerator or some other special place for the family to enjoy.

Daily Challenge

This week, your child learned that God made us.  Encourage your child to commit to one of the following challenges to thank God for making him or her special.  Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenge!

  • If you learn to do something new, like tying your shoe or writing your name, thank God for making you able to do that.
  • Sing your favorite praise song to God, and thank God for giving you a voice sing to him.
  • Ask your mom or dad to time you as you run around your yard or around the park.  Thank God for making legs to run!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

God Creates the World

BASED ON Genesis 1:1-2:3

 In the beginning there was no earth or sky or sea or animals.  And then God spoke in the darkness:  “Let there be light!”  And right away there was light, scattering the darkness and showing the infinite space.  “That’s good!” said God.  “From now on, when it’s dark it will be ‘night” and when it’s light, it will be ‘day’.”
The evening came and the night passed and then the light returned.  That was the first day.
On the second day, God made the earth and over it He carefully hung a vast blue sky.  He stood back and admired His creation.  “That’s good too!” said God and the second day was over.
The next morning God looked around and thought, “the earth needs to be a bit more organized.”  So, He put all the water in one place and all the dry land in another.  When He had finished that, God made plants to cover the land.  Dandelions and daffodils appeared.  All sorts of trees and grasses began to grow.  “It’s looking great”, said God and that was the end of the third day.
On the fourth day, God looked around and thought, “the daylight still needs a bit more work and the night is just too dark.”  So, He made the sun to light the sky during the day and the moon and stars to add a bit of sparkle to the night.  He hung them in the sky and stepped back to look at his work.  “This is coming along very well,”  said God. 
The next day, God turned his attention to the water he had collected in the oceans.  “I want these waters teeming with life!”  As soon as He said it, it was so.  In no time, there were millions of small fish darting through the shallow water and huge fish swimming in the ocean.  God made birds, too.  He sent them soaring through the air.  “Ahh, that IS good!” said God.  The dusk fell over the water and the sky grew dark and that was the end of the fifth day.
On the sixth day, God added creatures to the land.  He made lions and tigers and bears.  He made rabbits and sheep and cows.  He added everything from ants to zebras to the land.  But He still felt something was missing.  So God added Mankind to enjoy and take care of all that He had created.  God looked around and was happy with all He had made.
After six days, the whole universe was completed.  On the seventh day God had a nice long rest and enjoyed looking at all He had made.

Discussion Questions

  • Who made the world? God
  • What did God make on the first day?  Light
  • Did God make the water?  Yes
  • What did God do on the seventh day?  Rest
  • Did God make a human to take care of all that he had made?  Yes


Dear God,
Thank you for making the world and all that is in it.  Please help us to remember to be thankful for all the you have made.  Amen

Bible Verse for September

 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” 
Genesis 1:1

Outdoor Family Fun

Take a walk with your child through a nearby park to experience first-hand some of the things God created.  Collect items in a lunch bag so that you can inspect them under a magnifying glass when you return home.  Point out the sky, clouds, dirt, plants, bugs, and animals, and remind your child that God created them all.  Look for the different colors God made, and collect different kinds of leaves.  Marvel at the differences.  Remind your child that God created all these things for us to take care of and enjoy.

 Homespun Idea

Soak an old washcloth in water, and place it in a shallow pie plate.  (You might want to cut the washcloth in the shape of your child’s favorite animal first.)  Soak a small handful of grass seeds in lukewarm water for an hour.  Have your child sprinkle the grass seeds all over the washcloth, and then put the plate in a front of a sunny window.  Each day, have your child give the washcloth a few squirts of water with a spray bottle.  In three to five days, the grass should appear.  Once a week you may want to help your child cut the grass pet’s growth. 

Daily Challenge

This week your child learned that God made everything.  He or she committed to one of the following challenges to thank God for his creation.  Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenge!

  • Ask your mom or dad to take you on a walk outside .  Show each other the beautiful things you see that God made.
  • Collect some leaves or flowers from your yard, and glue them to a piece of paper.  Hang the paper in your room to remind you of God’s beautiful creation.
  • Find a book about animals or plants in your house, or ask a parent to take you to the library.  Thank God for making such a wonderful world.