Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Money in the Fish

Matthew 17:24-27

It was time to pay the temple tax.  This money was used to fix up the temple.  
One day, some tax collectors said to Peter, “Jesus does not pay the temple tax, does he?” Peter replied, “Of course he does.”
Before Peter could ask Jesus what to do, Jesus told him, “Even though I am the Son of God, I will pay the tax.  Go fishing.  Take the first fish you catch.  Look in its mouth and you will find a coin.
Take it and give it to the tax collectors.  It will pay my tax and yours.”
Peter caught a fish.  He opened its mouth and found a coin inside!  It was exactly enough to pay the tax collectors.

Discussion Questions

  • What was the temple tax used for?  To fix up the temple
  • Did Jesus pay the tax? Yes
  • What did Jesus ask Peter to do? Jesus told Peter to go fishing and to look in the mouth of the first fish he caught.
  • What was in the mouth of the fish?  Money!
  • What happened next?  Peter took the money to the tax collectors to pay his and Jesus’ taxes.


Dear God,  thank you for this story.  Providing what we need whether it is money, food, healing, or shelter.  You always provide.   Amen

Memory Verses

“‘Truly you are the Son of God.”  Matthew 14:33

Money in a Fish:

Supplies needed: paper plates, stapler, googley eyes, scissors, glue, pretend money, and markers.

  • Holding the two plates together rim to rim (so that it is 3-D), cut out a large triangle for the mouth.
  • Next staple around the edge of the plate. Staple one of the triangles on the back for the tail-fin.
  • Decorate the fish any way you want. 
  • Next glue the eyes and other fin onto the fish. Place a coin in its mouth and you have a perfect prop for telling and retelling the story.

Jesus Heals the Blind Beggar

John 9:1-12

Jesus and his disciples saw a blind beggar.  He had been blind since he was born.  The disciples asked Jesus, “Teacher, did this man sin? Or did his parents?  Is that why he is blind?
“No one sinned,” said Jesus.  “This happened so that God’s work could be shown in his life.”  Then Jesus spit on the ground and made mud out of it with his hands.  He gently spread the mud on the blind man’s eyes.  
Then Jesus told the man, “Go to the Pool of Siloam and wash off the mud.”
As soon as the mud was washed off, the man could see!  Everyone was amazed.  They wanted to find out more about Jesus.

Discussion Questions

  • Jesus and his disciples saw a man.  What was wrong with him.  A blind man
  • Did he sin and that is why he is blind? No
  • Why is he blind? He was blind so that God’s work could be shown in his life.
  • How did Jesus heal the blind man?  Jesus spit on the ground and made mud out of it with his hands.  He then spread it on the man’s eyes.
  • What happened next?  The blind beggar went to the Pool of Siloam and washed it off and he could see!


Dear God,  thank you for this story.  Healing is such a blessing you share with many.  May we always turn to you.  Amen

Memory Verses

“‘Truly you are the Son of God.”  Matthew 14:33

Drawing in the Dark:

Supplies needed:  blindfolds, paper, markers or crayons.
Place the blindfold on your child and ask them to draw something.  
Then discuss how it felt not being able to see and discuss 

Jesus Chooses His Disciples

Matthew 4:18-22; 10:1-4; Mark 1-3; Luke 5-6

Jesus began to tell people about God.  He knew he had a lot of work to do, and he went to find some helpers.
As Jesus was walking along the seashore, he saw some fisherman.
Jesus called to them, “Come, Follow Me. I will make you fishers of people.”
Right away, they left their boats and followed Jesus.  Their names were Peter, Andrew, James, and John.
Later, Jesus met a tax collector named Matthew.  His job was to get the tax money from the people and give it to the king.  Matthew quit his job to follow Jesus, too.
Jesus chose some more people.  Their names were Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, and another man named James.
Thaddaeus, Simon, and Judas joined them, too.  Jesus now had twelve new followers.  He called them his disciples.  

Jesus taught about God’s love.

Discussion Questions

  • Where did Jesus find some of his disciples? In the sea, they were fishermen
  • What are their names? Peter, Andrew, James, and John. 
  • Jesus also chose a tax collector.  What was his name? Matthew
  • How many disciples were there?  12
  • What did Jesus need his disciples to do?  Jesus needed them to help teach others about God’s love.


Dear God,  thank you for this story.  Please help of us to be fishers of people and share with our friends who You are.  Amen

Memory Verses

“‘Come, follow me’, Jesus said”  Matthew 4:19

Craft:  Fishing Pole with Fish

Supplies Needed:  Stick, ribbon, pencil, construction
 paper (any color), scissors, and a hole punch


  1.   Draw a fish on the construction paper.  
  2.   Cut the fish out then punch a hole by the mouth
  3.   Tie ribbon on to the pole 
  4.   At the end of the ribbon, place it through the hole by the mouth of the fish and tie.  

John Baptized Jesus

Matthew 3:1-7; Mark 1:1-11; Luke 3:1-20; John 1:1-34

John was born just before Jesus was.  They were cousins.  When John grew up, he lived in the desert and ate bugs and honey.  
John told the people about God.  They asked him many questions about what is right and what is wrong.  John told them to be good and kind and honest.
John preached about God’s forgiveness.  Many people decided to follow God.  John baptized the people in a river.
John told the people to get ready for a special person who would save them from their sins.  One day Jesus came to the river.  John knew Jesus was that special person.  Jesus told him, “I need to be baptized by you.”  John was surprised, but Jesus said, “it is right for you to do this.”
So John took Jesus into the Jordan River and baptized him.  The Holy Spirit came down from heaven in the form of a dove.  It landed on Jesus.  Jesus smiled.  Then God said, “This is my son, and I love him.  I am very pleased with him.”

Discussion Questions

  • Was John born before Jesus? Yes
  • Did tell people about God and about God’s forgiveness? Yes
  • Many peopled decided to follow Jesus.  Where did John baptize people?   In the river.
  • Did John baptize Jesus?  Yes
  • When John baptized Jesus what happened. The holy spirit came down from heaven in the form of a dove. 


Dear God, thank you for the story of John baptizing Jesus.  It is a blessing to know God can wash away our sins. Amen 

Memory Verse

“Truly you are the Son of God”   Matthew 14:33

Money in a Fish:
Supplies needed: paper plates, stapler, googley eyes, scissors, glue, pretend money, and markers.

  • Holding the two plates together rim to rim (so that it is 3-D), cut out a large triangle for the mouth.
  • Next staple around the edge of the plate. Staple one of the triangles on the back for the tail-fin.
  • Decorate the fish any way you want. 
  • Next glue the eyes and other fin onto the fish. Place a coin in its mouth and you have a perfect prop for telling and retelling the story.

Angels Tell The News

 Luke 2-8:20

On the night Jesus was born, shepherds were watching their sheep.  Suddenly, an angel stood before them, and God’s light shined all around.
The angel said, “Do no be afraid, I bring joyful news to all people.  Today, in the town of Bethlehem, a Savior has been born!  He is lying in a manger.”
Then a choir of angels appeared.  They sang, “Glory to God in the highest!  Peace and goodwill to everyone on earth!”
The shepherds rushed to Bethlehem.  There they found baby Jesus.  They told Mary and Joseph what the angels said.
As they returned to their sheep, the shepherds told everyone what they had seen and heard.  All along the way, the shepherds shouted praises to God.

Discussion Questions

  • Who told the shepherds about Jesus’ birth? The angels
  • Where did the angels tell the shepherds they would find the baby? Lying in a manger
  • What was the first thing the shepherds  did?   They rushed to Bethlehem to see baby Jesus.
  • Was Mary going to have a baby?  Yes
  • What did the shepherds do after they visited baby Jesus. They returned to their sheep and told everyone what they had seen and heard.


Dear God, thank you for the story of the angels who told the good news, and for the shepherds who went to see baby Jesus.  Thank you for sending your son, baby Jesus.  Amen 

Memory Verse

“She will name him Jesus because he will save his people from their sins.”   Matthew 1:21

Activity:  Which Animal

Choose one family member to be a stable keeper. The stable keeper stands on one side of the room, and the rest of the family stands on the other side. Ask the stable keeper to think silently of an animal that might have been in the stable the night Jesus was born. Then the stable keeper should make the noise of that animal. The other family members now pretend to be that animal and make its sound while moving like that animal, across the room to the stable keeper. Once all the animals have made it to the stable keeper, the stable keeper goes to the opposite side of the room. Play continues as the new stable keeper thinks of an animal and makes the sound. (If your stable keeper needs help thinking of an animal, whisper a suggestion to her: cow, horse, donkey, dog, cat, chicken, sheep, bird, mouse, etc).

Talk About: 

  • What is a stable?
  • What kinds of things might you see in a stable besides animals? 
  • What might a stable smell like?
  • Why was Baby Jesus born in a stable?
  • Who visited him at the stable?