Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Jesus Chooses His Disciples

Matthew 4:18-22; 10:1-4; Mark 1-3; Luke 5-6

Jesus began to tell people about God.  He knew he had a lot of work to do, and he went to find some helpers.
As Jesus was walking along the seashore, he saw some fisherman.
Jesus called to them, “Come, Follow Me. I will make you fishers of people.”
Right away, they left their boats and followed Jesus.  Their names were Peter, Andrew, James, and John.
Later, Jesus met a tax collector named Matthew.  His job was to get the tax money from the people and give it to the king.  Matthew quit his job to follow Jesus, too.
Jesus chose some more people.  Their names were Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, and another man named James.
Thaddaeus, Simon, and Judas joined them, too.  Jesus now had twelve new followers.  He called them his disciples.  

Jesus taught about God’s love.

Discussion Questions

  • Where did Jesus find some of his disciples? In the sea, they were fishermen
  • What are their names? Peter, Andrew, James, and John. 
  • Jesus also chose a tax collector.  What was his name? Matthew
  • How many disciples were there?  12
  • What did Jesus need his disciples to do?  Jesus needed them to help teach others about God’s love.


Dear God,  thank you for this story.  Please help of us to be fishers of people and share with our friends who You are.  Amen

Memory Verses

“‘Come, follow me’, Jesus said”  Matthew 4:19

Craft:  Fishing Pole with Fish

Supplies Needed:  Stick, ribbon, pencil, construction
 paper (any color), scissors, and a hole punch


  1.   Draw a fish on the construction paper.  
  2.   Cut the fish out then punch a hole by the mouth
  3.   Tie ribbon on to the pole 
  4.   At the end of the ribbon, place it through the hole by the mouth of the fish and tie.