Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Paul Meets Jesus

Acts 9:1-19
Saul did not like Jesus’ followers.  He was on his way to put some of them in jail.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed around him. Saul fell to the ground. A loud voice asked, “Saul, why are you against me?”

Saul was afraid. He cried out, “Who are you?”  The voice replied, “I am Jesus, the one you are against.”

“Go to Damascus and you will be told what to do.”

When Saul got up, he could not see.

Some men who were traveling with Saul led him to the city.

Jesus had also appeared to a man named Ananias. Jesus led Ananias to Saul.  Ananias laid his hands on Saul and said, “Jesus sent me to you. You may see again. Be filled with the Holy Spirit.”

Immediately Saul could see!

Then Ananias baptized him.

After this, God changed Saul’s name to Paul. He was a new man! Instead of hating Jesus’ followers, he loved them. And he became a follower, too.

Discussion Questions

  • What happened to Saul on his way to put Jesus’ followers in jail? There was a bright light & he fell to the ground.
  • Who spoke to Saul? Jesus
  • What happened when Ananias laid hands on Saul? He could see again!
  • Then what happened to Saul? He was baptized and God changed Saul’s name to Paul. And Paul became a follower of Jesus.


Thank you for the story of Saul changing to Paul. Thank you that you can change the heart of anyone into a follower of you. Amen.

Bible Verse for April

“Tell everyone what God has done.”    Psalm 105:1

Science Activity: Rock Salt

  • Rock salt
  • Table salt
  • Magnifying glass
  • Paper plates

Guide Your Child To:
  • Put some table salt and some rock salt on a plate
  • Examine the salt: Look at it. Feel it.  Look at it under a magnifying glass.  See that it is a rock.

Talk About:
  • Salt is a kind of rock that we eat. When do you eat salt?
  • What does salt look like?
  • Who made your eyes so you can see and learn?
  • What did the person in our story see? What happened?

No Bake Cooking: Peanut Butter Delight

  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 teaspoons peanut butter
  • 1/4 teaspoon honey
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
  • 4-6 ice cubes
  • 1 teaspoon sugar

Kitchen Tools:
  • Blender
  • Measuring spoons, cups
  • Paper cups
  • Paper towels

Guide Your Child To:
  • Help add the ingredients to the blender.
  • Let the teacher pour a small amount into a cup.
  • Taste the drink.

Talk About:
  • We are mixing together some of God’s gifts.  What are they?
  • Where does milk come from?
  • Where does peanut butter come from?
  • Where does honey come from?
  • Where does vanilla come from?
  • Would a person who is blind be able to enjoy this drink, even if he couldn’t see it? Why?
  • Could he tell what it was made of? How?
  • Who was blind in our story? What happened?

Active Game: Riddley-Riddley-Ree

What to Do:
  • Look around the room and choose an object for the child to guess.  Say to your child:
  • Riddley-Riddley-Ree
  • I see something you don’t see
  • And the color is _(say the color)__
  • After your child guesses the object, let him choose the next object and give you the clue.

Talk About:
  • Who gave us eyes to see?
  • Who was blind in our story? What happened?
  • Do you know anyone who is blind?
  • What kinds of things do you like to see and watch?
  • How can you thank God for your eyes?