Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Abraham Has Three Visitors

Genesis 18:1—19:29 (summarized)

Abraham was sitting by his tent one very hot day.  He looked up and saw three men standing nearby.  He was happy to have visitors.  He hurried to them and asked them to stay for dinner.

Then Abraham ran to his tent.  “Quick, Sarah,” he said.  “Get some flour and bake some bread.  We are having guests for dinner.”
Sarah made a good dinner for them.  While they were eating , the men said a very surprising thing.  They said, “next year you and Sarah will have a baby boy.”

Now this was surprising, because Abraham and Sarah did not have any children.  And they were too old to have a baby.  Sarah was listening in the tent.  She heard what the men said.  And she laughed.  She did not believe them. 

Then God said, “Why did Sarah laugh?  Is anything too hard for the Lord?”  And God kept his promise.  Even though Abraham and Sarah were old, God gave them a baby boy.  They named him Isaac. 

Discussion Questions

  • How many visitors did Abraham have?  Three
  • What did the men tell Abraham?  That he and Sarah would have a son in one year
  • What did Sarah do when she heard this news?  She laughed.  She thought she was too old.
  • Is anything to hard for God?  No, anything is possible for God.  He kept his promise and they did have a baby boy.
  • What did they name him?  Issac


Dear God,
Thank you for all the amazing things you do in our lives.  Please help us to be patient and wait on your timing  Amen.

Bible Verse for November

“So I say to you. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will open to you.”    Luke 11:9

Outdoor Family Fun

Plan a family picnic together.  Your plans might include taking a blanket to a grassy area—under a tree if possible—and eating small bread rolls, your homemade butter, chunks of mild cheese, and “camel’s” milk (cow’s milk and a little imagination).  Read and talk about what happened in the Bible while you enjoy the picnic.  Discuss how Abraham entertained his guests under the great trees of Mamre. Before eating, thank God for the food and for one amazing thing God did for you or for Abraham and Sarah. 

Homespun idea

Here’s an amazing and fun activity for your pre-schooler—making real butter.  You will need a small plastic jar (baby-food jars work well, but they are breakable), half-and-half cream, 1/2 teaspoon salt (for flavor), and a clean marble.  Fill the plastic jar about half full with cream.  Add the salt and marble, and shake the jar for about five minutes or until you no longer hear the marble move.  Open the lid, remove the marble, and enjoy eating homemade butter on your toast.

Daily Challenge

This week, your child learned that God does amazing things.  Encourage your child to commit to one of the following  challenges to thank God for all the amazing things He has done in his or her life.  Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenges.

  • Find something amazing and thank God for making that thing amazing.
  • Have your mom or dad read to you about a miracle in the Bible, like the ones described in John 9 or John 20.  Thank God for the amazing thing he did in those verses.
  • Look through a book about babies—they could be animals or people.  Tell your parents why one or two of the babies seem amazing to you