Tuesday, January 6, 2015

John Baptizes Jesus

Mark 1: 4-11

John was baptizing people in the desert.  He preached a baptism of changed hearts and lives for the forgiveness of sins.  All the people from Judea and Jerusalem were going out to John.  They told about the sins they had done.  Then they were baptized by him in the Jordan River.  John wore clothes made from camel’s hair and had a leather belt around his waist.   He ate locusts and wild honey.  This is what John preached to the people:  “There is one coming later who is greater than I.  I am not good enough even to kneel down and untie his sandals.  I baptize you with water.  But the one who is coming will  baptize you in the Holy Spirit“
At that time Jesus came from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to the place where John was.  John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River.  When Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven open up.  The Holy Spirit came down on him like a dove.  A voice came from heaven and said: “You are my Son and I love you.  I am very pleased with you.”

Discussion Questions

  •  Who was baptizing the people from Judea and Jerusalem?  John
  •  What did John wear? Clothes made of camel hair, a leather belt around his waist.
  •  John told the people someone was coming to be baptized.  Who was it? Jesus
  •  John said he baptized people with water but Jesus baptizes people with what? The Holy Spirit.
  •  What did Jesus see when coming out of the water?  A dove


Dear God,
Thank you for the story of John baptizing Jesus.  We know that Jesus made God happy  by getting baptized. Please help us learn more about you.  Amen.

Bible Verse for January

“God loves us so much he sent his Son, Jesus.”  Adapted from John 3:!6

Home Connect

Take a few moments to tell your child how much you love him or her. 


  •  Who are people you love?
  •  In what ways do you show these people your love?
  •  What is something special you would give to someone you love?

Talk with your child about how God gave us his Son, Jesus, because he loves us so much. 
Have your child use yarn or string and thread beads to make a bracelet for a friend.  You  might want to check local craft stores for beads with letters on them and help your child spell out the friend’s name on the bracelet.  Go with your child as he or she gives the gift to the friend.  Remind your child that Jesus made God happy when he was baptized and by the way he lived his life.  We make God happy when we show love to others and when we tell others about Jesus.

My Recipe Center

The Holy Spirit descended from heaven to Jesus in the form of a dove.  Work with your child to make the following snack and retell the Bible story.  Mix several drops of blue food coloring into vanilla instant pudding in a large bowl.  Have your child place a circular shortbread cookie on the blue pudding as Jesus’ face, and add facial features using frosting or small candles.  Then stick two more shortbread cookies almost perpendicularly into the pudding to look like the wings of a dove.  Then let your child say a prayer of thanksgiving and enjoy the snack.


  •  Why do you think what Jesus did made God happy? 
  •  Why do you want to make God happy?
  •  What can we do to show God that we love him?

Daily Challenge

This week, your child learned that God sent Jesus.  Encourage your child to commit to one of the following  challenges.  Help your child weave faith into life this week and follow through on the challenges.

  • In the morning, pray for Jesus to help you obey your parents throughout the day.  A the end of the day, thank Jesus for helping you obey your parents.
  • Ask Jesus to help you and your brother or sister clean your play area or living room and surprise your parents!
  • Have your mom or dad help you make a treat for someone you know who is sick.  Ask Jesus to help the person feel better.