Thursday, April 13, 2017


Matthew 28:1-10; Mark 16:1-10; Luke 24:1-11; John 20:1-18

After Jesus died, some of his friends laid his body in a big tomb.  They sealed it shut with a large round stone.  Soldiers guarded the tomb.
Three days later, the earth shook.  An angel of the Lord came down from heaven and pushed the stone away from the tomb.  Then the angel sat on the stone.
When the soldiers saw the angel, they fell to the ground.
Mary was walking to the tomb with some of her friends. They saw the angel, who said, “Do not be afraid.  Jesus is not here.  He has risen!”
“Go and tell Peter and the other disciples that Jesus is alive!”
On their way, the women saw Jesus.  They fell to their knees and worshipped him.  Jesus smiled and said, “Go tell the others that I will see them in Galilee.”  So Mary ran to tell the disciples.

Discussion Questions

  • After Jesus died on the cross where did his friends put his body? A big tomb
  • Three days later the earth shook and an angel came from heaven.  What did he do? Pushed the stone away
  • Mary and her friends were going to visit the tomb. Along the way they saw an angel.  What did he say? Do not be afraid.  Jesus is not here. He has risen!  
  • What did the angel tell Mary and her friends to do?  Go and tell Peter and the other disciples that Jesus is alive!


Dear God, thank you for loving us and sending your son to die on the cross for our sins. Amen 

Memory Verses

“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life.’”
John 14:6

Craft: Stained Glass Cross

  1. Materials:  contact paper, various colors of tissue paper, black construction paper, and scissors
  2. Guide Your Child To: 
  3. To help your child, cut out several squares of tissue paper as well as the outline of a cross 
  4. Place contact paper on the table sticky side up.  If it moves around too much tape the contact paper to the table
  5. Place outline of cross on contact paper
  6. In any order place the different colored pieces of tissue paper inside the outline of the cross
  7. Place the second sheet of contact paper sticky side down.
  8. Trim the contact paper